Vintage Floral Prints

Hello all, here are some vintage floral prints in the public domain that I picked up. I’m sorry I haven’t been very consistent with posting, I’ve just not been feeling well. Anyway, I hope you find these useful.

Vintage Floral Print
Vintage Floral Print
Vintage Floral Print
Vintage Floral Print

Free Vintage Print – Wild Strawberry

Here is another lovely print suitable for transferring on to a book page. I love the look of wild strawberries, has anyone ever eaten one? I am not that brave. I don’t know if they are poisonous. I guess I could look that up. This is in the public domain, I hope you enjoy!

Free Vintage Print Wild Strawberry
Free Vintage Print Wild Strawberry

Vintage Printable Christmas Tags and labels

Free Printable Vintage Christmas Tags and Labels
Free Printable Vintage Christmas Tags and Labels

I know, I know, it’s not even Fall, but I am so in the mood for Christmas and one reader suggested that I make something kind of Christmas vintage. This year, I plan on making a lot of Christmas printables, so keep your eyes peeled and enjoy these free vintage printable Christmas tags and labels.  Read more

Vintage Illustration Angel Clip Art

Hello everyone! I found this vintage illustration of an angel and decided to give it new life in Photoshop. The background is whitened for easy printing on book pages or nice paper. Suitable for an 8×10 frame. Enjoy!

Vintage Illustration Angel Clip Art
Vintage Illustration Angel Clip Art